Monday, August 10, 2009

Interactive WhiteBoards

Hello all,
Interactive WhiteBoards are used in many schools as replacements for traditional white boards or flip charts. They provide ways to show students anything which can be presented on a computer's desktop (educational software, web sites, and others).

The boards give students the opportunity to interact and engage in their learning environment, in a sense the same way we used to on a blackboard, only with a the wealth of information the Internet supplies as apposed to a text book. Students need to be engaged in what they are learning to achieve positive learning outcomes, these boards allow direct involvement and interaction, Vygostsky's theories of guided discovery emphasise the importance of this in learners acquiring understanding (Mclnerney, Mclnerney, 2006).

In any case, the person holding the textbook had to have the knowledge to deliver it, the same way current teachers need to be able to deliver it through learnt technologies. this is a great link to see these being used

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Shaun Morris

Mclnerney,D.,M., Mclnerney,V.(2006), Educational Psychology, Constructing Learning, Frenchs Forest, Nsw, Pearson Education Australia.

Smart Man with a Smart Board, uTube, retrieved, 29th July 2009, from

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